Yoga & Ayurveda…

…are the union between the physical body, the mind and the soul with its power of intuition, in harmony with Nature.

A regular practice…

… and the implementation of Ayurvedic routines allow one to experience this union and strengthen it.


… becomes more coherent and one begins to strive instead of resisting and surviving.

Yogasha Shahrazad Chide professeur de yoga a Geneve


I offer 2 types of yoga:

Kundalini & Vinyasa

Kundalini Yoga

Kundalini Yoga is different from other types of mainstreamed yoga styles practiced in the West. It targets consciousness, meditation, the chanting of mantras and breathing exercises (pranayama). Hence, Kundalini Yoga is a series of powerful techniques (tools) which increase focus and our ability to enjoy and thrive through our existence, and within our environment. The aim of these tools is to balance the body’s physical and emotional sensations so we can be in touch with our soul.

What are the benefits of practicing Kundalini Yoga ?

  • Increases breath capacity
  • Increases awareness of the body’s meridians and energetic centres (chakras)
  • Increases awareness of postures 
  • Balances our glands in order to strengthen our nervous and immune system
  • Purifies  the blood stream.  

While Kundalini Yoga is a spiritual practice, it is not religious and can be practiced by everyone, depending on certain adjustments. It is particularly suited for people facing psychological challenges, such as anxiety and trauma. 

Roll-out of a Kundalini Yoga session:

A Kundalini Yoga session usually lasts for an hour and a half. It is divided into 5 parts : 

  • Chanting of opening mantras
  • Warm-up based on a flow of postures, combined with breathing exercises
  • Kriya (sequence of postures), which focus on a specific theme 
  • Relaxation
  • Meditation (possibly accompanied by the chanting of mantra and/or breathing exercises and focus)

Vinyasa Flow

This type of yoga is based on Hatha yoga, which is the physical branch of yogic philosophy. Indeed, the practice of yoga is to enter a state of meditation, which is made easier by initially working with and through the body.  In the West, since the widespread of yoga in the beginning of the 20th century, Hatha yoga has predominated. Vinyasa yoga uses the postures of Hatha yoga by linking them into a flow, or a « dance ».

What are the benefits of practicing Vinyasa Flow?

On the physical level:

  • Strengthens the heart rate
  • Strengthens the muscles
  • Enhances the body’s posture by strengthening and elongating the spine. 

On the subtle level:

  • Works on the 7 main chakras, starting with our roots (legs) all the way up to our crown
  • Liberates the different types of energies our body constantly produces during the practice
  • Provides a general sense of well-being by gently stretching the muscles. 

Roll-out of a Vinyasa practice:

 A Vinyasa class can last approximately one hour and fifteen minutes. It begins with stretching exercises to slowly warm-up and open the body. Then, we go through a series of postures to enter the flow. We begin with rooting postures to gently anchor the body, before moving up along the spine. We end the practice with a relaxation posture to integrate the benefits of the session. 

    Yoga Classes

    I give classes in English and in French, depending on the student’s choice
    Timings are in GMT+1

    Weekly yoga classes in Geneva

    • Vinyasa flow on Mondays from 7.45 PM to 8.45 PM at studio Espace Colibri (6, rue Louis-de-Montfalcon, 1227 Carouge)
    • Kundalini Yoga on Tuesdays from 7:30 PM to 9:00 PM at studio My Brilliant Place (11, rue des gares, 1201 Genève)
    • Kundalini Yoga on Thursdays from 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM at studio Akta Yoga (16, rue de l’Avenir, 1207 Genève)

    My Brilliant Place:

    • Per class / 30.- 
    • Card for 10 classes (consecutive, if possible) / 250.-

    Espace Colibri:

    • Per class / 30.- 
    • Card for 10 classes (consecutive, if possible) / 250.-


    Akta Yoga:

    Prices here 



    Outdoor yoga by the Leman Lake,  in Geneva


    These classes are ad hoc and will take place depending on the weather. Check website calendar and my social media for dates.


      Price : On donation


      yogasha Shahrazad Chida professeur de yoga a Geneve

      Private classes in Geneva


      I give Kundalini & Vinyasa yoga classes in Geneva.



      Price: 130.-



      yogasha Shahrazad Chida professeur de yoga a Geneve

      Monthly Sadhana at SoHam Studio


      “Sadhana” is a Sanskrit word which can be translated as « discipline » or « the means to accomplish something » It is a regular meditation practice which eventually becomes a lifestyle. 

      Usually, Sadhana is practiced early in the morning, before surise, at the time when the « vata » energy is at its peak and when harmonious vibrations enhance yoga and meditation practices. It’s also the best time to meditate, to wake up softly and energetically before the day begins. More than anything, Sadhana is a holistic practice to ignite the Kundalini energy and feel it vibrate within our body and soul. 

      A regular Sadhana practice provides us with a feeling of wellbeing throughout the various obstacles which can occur during the day.

      The sessions lasts 2 hours and is divided into 4 parts:

      – Listening to or reciting of the « Japji » (sacred Sikh mantras)
      – Warm-up and Kundalini kriya (flow of specific energetic postures, based on a specific theme)
      – Relaxation
      – Chanting of the 7 Aquarian Kundalini mantras


      On donation (FREE for Imagine Academy Teacher Training students) at SoHam studio (34, rue Philippe-Plantamour, 1201 Genève)







      Ayurveda is the science of life or even of “living” in a sense; it’s a medicine established some 3,000 years ago and built around the workings of Nature. It’s a preventive medicine that enables us to align ourselves with Nature’s perfection by balancing our physical body with our mind and emotions. By adopting the principles of Ayurveda in our daily lives, our actions become less tedious and more effective. Ayurveda gives us the tools we need to, at the very least, live in harmony with what life throws at us, and at best, to enjoy our daily lives to the full, despite the ups and downs.

      Benefits of applying Ayurveda to your daily life

      By applying the personalized tools that Ayurveda provides, we can continuously strengthen our health and prevent imbalances and related illnesses. The advantage of Ayurvedic treatments is that they respond to the specific needs of each individual, while teaching us to make the most of our innate specific abilities. 
      Ayurveda also empowers us to manage our own health, by becoming more aware of the physical and emotional imbalances that fluctuate throughout our lives. It further gives us the knowledge we need to respond to these imbalances, through simple, everyday gestures, so that we become one with our body, mind and soul. This can be achieved through daily routines, a healthy lifestyle, diet and regular massage tailored to our specific needs.
      For me, two terms sum up this science: Joy and Balance. If we don’t do things with these two notions in mind, imbalances begin, whether on a physiological, mental or emotional level. And according to Ayurveda, all types of disease stem from imbalance. This imbalance may be genetic, but most illnesses come from an imbalance caused by our lifestyle. Ayurveda gives us the tools to rebalance these imbalances, on an individual and personalized basis. Typically, an Ayurvedic therapist will not treat two people suffering from the same pathology in the same way: he or she will adapt to each person’s individual constitution (dosha). 



      I offer 8 types of therapeutic massages (approximately 90 min) 



      This massage is particularly suited to problems of heavy legs, which are often due to poor circulation. The most common signs of heavy legs can be capillary dilation, varicose veins, water retention, cellulite, pain to the touch and lack of tissue elasticity. The massage will focus on the legs and reactivate blood circulation using specific movements and light pressure on energetic acupressure points (marma).


      This massage, of Indonesian origin, was traditionally reserved for the king, and was only practiced in temples, where he was massaged for several hours until he was completely relaxed, making him able to take important decisions. This massage is designed to help the body free itself from illness, blockages and tension, in order to regain vitality and health. It works on all tissues (dhatus), purifying them in depth. 


      This is an eye treatment which aims at relaxing the eyes and dissolving blockages in the eye muscles while toning them. This massage also helps to improve eyesight and balance the nervous system through the eyes. The eyes are in fact linked to our 6th chakra (Ajna), our general vision (of life). This massage therefore restores radiance to both eyes and mind and improves our sense of discernment in terms of both color and judgment. 


      This massage focuses on acupressure energetic points found at various points in the body. These points are the size of a finger and are the bridge between the mental and physical. Marma literally means “secret”, “vital” or “hidden”. This massage stimulates these points to restore energy flow and balances the doshas. These points are massaged with warm, medicinal or essential oils. 


      This foot massage (pada) ensures deep relaxation of the whole organism and is one of the most important and popular partial body massages in Ayurvedic teaching. The feet are linked to the 1st chakra (Muladhara) and thus ensure our rootedness and ability to unlock our connection with the earth and with the feeling of trust. It can alleviate local disharmonies and improve the texture of the feet, while alleviating mental disorders and physical problems. It helps reduce stress and exhaustion, boosts immunity and sleep, while detoxifying the body.


      This is a full-body massage, from scalp to toes, using warm oil. It is performed to balance the three circulation systems (lymphatic, blood and nervous).  This massage provides complete relaxation, detoxifying and regenerating vital tissues and strengthening the immune system. 


      This massage is performed all over the body, using a mixture of chickpea flour, clay and spices. It’s a kind of natural scrub, deeply cleansing and removing dead cells to soften the skin. It’s an invigorating massage that warms and soothes the Kapha dosha. It is particularly recommended for overweight people.


      This is a face and head massage. It strengthens the muscles of the skull and face by stimulating energetic acupressure energetic points (marma) and blood circulation in the face. It calms the mind and softens the skin, while relaxing the shoulders, décolleté and neck. This massage is said to reveal our inner beauty.


      What to expect during a consultation


      I offer 2 types of consultations:

      • Consultation with treatment (120 min)
        Discuss your medical history in order to identify your specific needs 
        Therapeutic massage (based on your medical history)
        Discussion and proposed follow-up procedures


      • Consultation on daily routines and nutrition (60 min)
         Discuss your medical history in order to identify your specific 
         Identify your constitution type (dosha)
         Propose a follow-up plan


      Prices & Agenda


      Consultation with treatment: 170.-

      Consultation on daily routines and nutrition (starting in September 2025): 100.- 

      Payment: Payment is made directly after the consultation in cash.

      Appointments take place on Mondays, Tuesdays at 9 AM or at 11.30 AM and on Fridays at 10 AM (timings and days may change after August 2025)

      yogasha Shahrazad Chida professeur de yoga a Geneve

      Yoga Class Booking & Agenda


      Click on the yoga class you want in the calendar to book your spot


      Book your Ayurvedic consultation



      3 + 13 =


      « I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel. »

      Maya Angelou

      Next monthly morning Sadhana

      at SoHam, on Saturday 18 January 2025 from 6.30 am to 8.30 am – Reserve your spot in the calendar above!

      Next yoga retreats


      30 June – 4 July 2025 in Portugal « Ayurveda in practice for better longevity: on the mat & in the kitchen » in collaboration with Ayurvedic cook Francisco Basilios (in English)

      10-13 July 2025 in Kiental (Swiss Alps) « Kundalini Yoga » with Imagine Academy (in English)

      17-21 September 2025 in Provence « A journey inwards: kundalini yoga essentials » (in French)

      (more information coming up soon!)

      Previous retreats

      take a look



      "Shahrazad est passionnée, et sait motiver ses élèves. Très tolérante, ses cours visent la douceur et l'harmonie avec soi-même!
      Elle est à l'écoute des demandes individuelles. Sa pratique mêle postures, exercices de respiration et méditations avec mantras, ce qui permet d'explorer de nouveaux horizons au fil des cours. Je recommande!"


      "I vividly remember my first-ever Kundalini yoga class with Shahrazad: the breath of fire, the chanting and challenging poses blended into a subtle yet intense practice that invigorated my body, healed my soul and pushed my boundaries. Shahrazad is a gifted and passionate teacher, who shares knowledge across many specialty areas as she explains each pose. Each class is structured around a theme, which always resonates with me. I highly recommend Shahrazad for the transformative experience that she offers through her yoga classes."


      "Shahrazad m’a redonné goût au Yoga Vinyasa que j’avais déjà pratiqué en studio. Les enchaînements sont complets et les horaires de cours en visio hyper adaptés au rythme de la vie de famille! Ces cours permettent un recentrage sur soi et un travail corporel intense!"


      "Encore merci pour cette retraite très enrichissante. Au niveau de ton enseignement, ce que j'apprécie vraiment chez toi c'est ta capacité à m'emmener tester des choses nouvelles en donnant la juste quantité d'informations pour que je sois prête à me laisser aller sans commencer à intellectualiser. Le programme était très riche mais aussi très accessible, ça m'a fait beaucoup de bien et j'ai beaucoup appris. J'en garde l'envie de poursuivre et de me retrouver tous les matins sur mon tapis, ce que j'ai déjà mis en pratique ce matin 🙂 Tu as aussi réussi à me faire percevoir l'intérêt des mantras, qui jusqu'à présent étaient pour moi des bafouillages obscurs chantés par des illuminés ou des chants religieux 😉 J'ai trouvé que l'organisation était très professionnelle et bien équilibrée entre les moments de travail intensifs et les moments libres. Et bien sûr l'endroit merveilleux, les autres participants extrêmement sympathiques et la nourriture excellente ont amplement contribué à faire de ce séjour un moment inoubliable. " 


      "Apres avoir suivi différents cours de yoga, je trouve que Shahrazad donne de très bonnes instructions et conseils pour effectuer les postures, surtout pour des cours en ligne. Je suis ses cours de Kundalini et Vinyasa. J'aime sa façon dynamique d'enseigner, avec toujours un brin d'humour et de légèreté. Je sors des cours de Kundalini détendue, mes champs d'énergie revigores, et en en connaissant un peu plus sur la dimension spirituelle, car Shahrazad nous enseigne toujours un petit peu de théorie."


      "Nous avons ma fille et moi découvert les cours de yoga proposés par Shahrazad durant le confinement et cela a été une belle rencontre! Elle est passionnée et cela se sent: ses cours sont bien construits ( thématiques variées ), les explications sont précises et bienveillantes, et nous ressortons toujours ravies et pleines d'énergie des séances qu'elle propose. Nous recommandons vivement!"


      "Shahrazad a un don pour transmettre son amour du Yoga ! Son cours est complet et généreux, et il est à son image humble et authentique. Pour moi c’est plus qu’un cours, c’est un chemin de vie."


      "Merci Sha et Patrick pour cette magnifique retraite! Merci pour cette réUnion avec toutes vos belles âmes. Infinie gratitude à vous pour l'amour et la force que nous nous sommes offerts. Je reste connecté à vous du fond du cœur... Suivons notre Dharma et en avant pour de nouvelles aventures!" 


      "Quelle belle journée je vis, qui s’est déployée dans le sillon très fertile de cette merveilleuse expérience de l’aube 🌸☀️Merci merci merci, chère Professeure, bonne soirée et à bientôt ❤️


      "Les cours de Shahrazad sont enthousiastes, rythmés, vivants ! J'ai beaucoup progressé grâce à elle, c'est une prof qui détaille chaque posture, chaque respiration, ses indications sont précises. C'est une prof qui croit en ses élèves et qui nous pousse vers le haut. J'apprécie particulièrement son attention à nos questions et le lien entre corps et esprit qui est fait à chaque cours ! Un yoga régénérant en profondeur !"


      "J'ai suivi auparavant des cours de yoga avec différents profs. Avec Shahrazad, j'ai le sentiment d'avoir pu à la fois approfondir ma pratique et y trouver plus de sens et de plaisir. Shahrazad explique très bien les éléments clés de chaque posture, de façon à s'y retrouver très bien, même en distanciel ! Ses cours sont variés, rythmés. Elle nous fait régulièrement de nouvelles propositions. Elle nous accompagne et nous fait progresser avec bienveillance. Je recommande !"


      "J'adore mes cours de Yoga avec Sha. Même mal en point je ne le raterais pas ! Ça fait tout simplement un bien fou. Sha a le don de vous emporter avec douceur et fermeté à la fois dans cet univers de bien-être qu'elle maîtrise comme sa propre nature. Une vraie yogi."


      "Bonjour ma belle. Tu nous a demandé de te dire comment on se sent après la krya de hier.  Et bien je me sens "unie" de nouveau depuis cette nuit. Comme si des parties de mon corps (et de mon âme) se sont retrouvé et en harmonie. Avec un effet que le haut de mon corps est chaud ou chauffé. Je me sens forte et légère à la fois, comme porté par les ailes d'un phénix ✨✨✨


      After a childhood and studies in History, Art History and International Relations in France, I spent 13 years in post-conflict countries, working for United Nations Peacekeeping Operations. I loved living and working close to what I believed was the reality of diplomacy and feeling useful while striving to understand the worst but also the best of humanity. Then, life brought me back to Europe in 2018, where I was able to dive deeper into yogic philosophy and the science of Ayurveda. After two years, I realised that my path was slowly but surely leading somewhere else; my Dharma was still aimed at sharing and supporting, but differently than through political resolutions. Today my aim is to continue studying Ayurveda, particularly through yoga, in order to evolve and to heal.

      I have been practicing yoga since 2012 and have been teaching since 2019. During the first few years, yoga gave me a feeling of well-being and helped me begin the day with confidence. Then, little by little, I was overwhelmed by the need to feel my body, this body that I had been separating from my thoughts for so long. I was not really listening to the cries my body was letting out and realized that my entire awareness emanated solely from my mental activity. After about a year, yoga became part of my daily routine and eventually, its sacred character slowly led me towards my soul, towards my true self; a path which I am still walking. It was at this point that I touched something bigger than myself and that I started deepening my practice and knowledge of yogic philosophy. 

      I began with Hatha and Vinyasa yoga, which allowed me to learn about the foundations of alignment and to taste the sweet sensations that the practice provides. But it is with Kundalini yoga,  since 2019, that I discovered myself; not only within my body, but also within my environment. I, who always wanted to understand and explain everything, realized that yoga was more about experiencing than understanding. This awareness brings one closer to inner beauty, wisdom and to the most elementary vibration which exists deep down in each one of us. Now, my ambition is to share the tools that yoga teaches us, especially to those who need it the most.

      With special thanks to those who continue to encourage and accompany me through this wonderful journey: to my husband, Giuliano Vascotto who allowed me to take the time I needed to engage completely in this journey by taking care of the family when I could not, to my teachers, Cynthia Reschke, Pedro Misle, Daniela Troconis, Judith Ender, Paula Villar, Sanjeev Bhanot, Manoj Bhanot, Catherine Beaubreuil and to all the teachers of the YogaLife school, to my students who are my daily teachers, to my lifelong friends; Catherine, Alexia, Anne, Blandine, Muriel and to the person and best friend who brought me to my very first yoga practice in 2012, Oana Topala.

      Teaching & past experience 

        • Since September 2024: Imagine Academy representative in Geneva
        • November 2024: Yoga Anatomy 100 hrs. Advanced Teacher Training certification (YogaLife, Registered Yoga Alliance – RYS)
        • January 2024 to December 2028: Ayurvedic Therapist training, Usha Veda (with ASCA certification)
        • June 2023: Pranayama 40 hrs Advanced Teacher Training certification (YogaLife, Registered Yoga Alliance – RYS)
        • Since October 2022: Assistant in Teacher Training Courses for Imagine Academy and Yogalife 
        • October 2022: Hatha yoga 200 hrs. Teacher Training certification (YogaLife, Registered Yoga Alliance – RYS)
        • March to June 2022: Weekly Kundalini yoga classes at a centre for migrants in Geneva
        • Since 2021: Weekly Kundalini and Vinyasa classes (group and private) at studios Akta YogaEspace Colibri, Geneva Pilates Studio and My Brilliant Place in Geneva 
        • 2020 to 2022: Online (group and private) Vinyasa and Kundalini yoga 
        • 2021: Kundalini YTT 500 hrs Teacher Training certification (Imagine Academy, Registered Yoga Alliance – RYS)
        • 2019: Voluntary Vinyasa yoga classes within a Swiss foundation in Geneva (Geneva)
        • Since 2018: Advisor in Security Sector Reform and Governance in a Swiss foundation (DCAF) in Geneva
        • Since 2015: Personal daily yoga practice
        • 2012: Beginning of my yoga practice
        • 2005 to 2018: Political Analyst and Security & Justice Governance and Reform Programme Manager in United Nations Peacekeeping operations (Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ivory Coast and Mali)
        • 2004: M.A. in International Relations, Université d’Auvergne, Clermont-Ferrand, France
        • 2001: B.A. in Contemporary History & B.A. in Art History, University Panthéon-Sorbonne, Paris, France
        • 1998: Baccalauréat (literature), Lycée Fénelon, Paris, France

        Who am I?
        Who are you?
        You are what I feel when I go to that dark
        place where I know nothing.

        Where I am no more who I was taught to be…
        Now I am You and You are me.

        We are One, over there, where there is no I,
        Where there is no you.

        And only when I forget all that is thought to be,
        Do I become free – 
        To be with You

        Geneva, October 2020

        yogasha Shahrazad Chida professeur de yoga a Geneve


        Write to me

        1 + 11 =

        email :

        Stay tuned to Yoga Sha‘s activities on social media:

        Instagram: yogasha_geneva

        Facebook page: Yoga Sha 


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